As the demand of hair restoration has increased, innovative solutions that would suit different people’s preferences have been developed. Many people go through different forms of hair loss and experience different effects of it. Hence, they might prefer different treatment options. Hair Tattoo and Scalp Micropigmentation has lately become one of the most interesting solutions to the undesired results of hair loss.

hair tattoo scalp micropigmentation patient istanbul

If you have been suffering from hair loss but are not keen on or suitable for getting a hair transplant, a scalp micropigmentation in Turkey can be a better option for you.

one patient

One Patient at a Time

in-house team

In-house Team

no hidden fee security

No Hidden Fees

Is SMP effective? How does it work? 

Yes, scalp micropigmentation is a safe, effective, and long-lasting hair restoration solution that creates the illusion of a full head of hair and has been proven to work for many individuals. If you are new to hair loss treatments, you might be wondering how scalp micropigmentation works. SMP is essentially a tattoo for your scalp. This pigmentation technique involves using layered dots and different shades of black to mimic the shadow of hairs. The scalp micropigmentation method requires multiple sessions to achieve the desired look. These multiple pigmentation sessions will ensure the most natural looking results. A topical numbing cream is applied before the procedure to ensure minimal discomfort.

How much does a hair tattoo cost in Turkey?

Hair tattoo in Turkey has attracted a lot of attention from those people who don’t want to break the bank to get a fuller hair look. The hair tattoo cost in Turkey ranges from $1200 to $1800 depending on the size of the treatment area and the clinic you will choose.

hair tattoo pigmentation turkey result

Do I qualify for hair tattooing?

Anyone who is suffering from baldness, alopecia, or thinned hair can qualify for hair tattooing. SMP can be used to correct a receding hairline, create an illusion of hair in case of balding, or provide a fuller look for people with thinner hair. However, keep in mind that if you are suffering from scalp acne or other scalp problems you should avoid getting a hair tattoo until the breakout fades. Also, if your skin is prone to keloids, you might not be a good candidate for scalp micropigmentation.

To decide on whether hair tattooing is the right choice for you, take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the SMP treatment.


Hair tattoo advantages

Various advantages of the hair tattoo procedure include gettin quick results, affordability, the illusion of high hair density, and the ability to create a look of a full head of hair.

SMP treatment can give you the appearance of a full head of short hair look. Since there are no limitations such as the number of healthy hair follicles, even completely bald people can enjoy the look of a stylish buzz cut.

If you are only suffering from thinned hair and don’t want to get a hair transplant, you can achieve a fuller look through scalp micropigmentation.


Hair tattoo disadvantages

Hair tattoo procedure is not a permanent solution like hair transplant. Because the hair tattoo procedure is completed over multiple sessions, it can be time consuming as well. You may need to pay regular visits to your practitioner to get the look you want.

Even though it offers a great alternative to other hair loss solutions, SMP treatment does not actually promote any hair growth.

Hair tattoo can only provide a short hair appearance, that’s why it’s not suitable for people who want to achieve long hair look.

scalp micropigmentation (smp) turkey

Is a hair tattoo permanent?

As with any tattoo, a hair tattoo provides long-lasting results but it will naturally fade over time. This is why even though scalp micropigmentation is a long-lasting solution, but it is not permanent. Scalp Micropigmentation lasts an average of 4-10 years.

Is it okay to get a hair tattoo after a hair transplant?

Yes, combining hair transplant with hair tattoo is preferred by many patients. A hair tattoo can help cover up any bald patches, or scars from previous hair transplants, or improve the hair density after a hair transplant operation. Because scalp micropigmentation mimics the shadow of hair, strategically planning where to use hair tattoo and where to use hair transplant can lead to natural looking results.

Does a hair tattoo look real?

The results from scalp micropigmentation can look deceivingly real if it is performed by an expert. The tiny dots created by the special tattooing instruments used for the SMP treatment and the correct use of black hues create the perfect illusion of hair. Many people state that most of their friends and family are not able to tell that it is tattooing at all.

a sequence of hair tattooing procedure

Does Scalp Micropigmentation hurt?

Not really, our medical team applies a local anesthetic to numb the scalp before performing scalp micropigmentation, which helps minimize any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Scalp micropigmentation involves using small needles to deposit pigment into the scalp, which can cause very little discomfort, but most patients find the procedure to be easily tolerable and the benefits outweigh the minimal discomfort.

How long does the hair tattooing procedure take?

Each hair tattooing session can take 3-5 hours because it requires the utmost attention to detail for creating as natural results as possible. The length of the procedure varies depending on the size of the treatment area.

Does hair grow over tattoos?

Yes, hair can grow over tattoos. However, you will need to wait for the healing process to be completed as your body will be working on the damaged tissue before providing hair growth.

Is SMP disallowed in any religion?

Yes, Scalp Micropigmentation is allowed in any religious belief, including Islam. Baldness is interpreted as an aliment and treatment for it is only natural according to many sources including European Council for Fatwa.

Are you in search of a youthful look with higher confidence? Are you looking for a less intrusive approach? Hair Tattoo and Scalp Micropigmentation might be best the way for you! Reach us through our contact form or WhatsApp button for a free consultation with our team of experts. If you lean towards a hair transplant, feel free to check out how many grafts you need. We are here to make mirrors friendlier!

Article Review By: Dr. Jyothi Shenoy V
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MBBS, MD – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MRCOG(UK)
23 Years Experience Overall