drawing of a person in doubt of taking a pill of finasteride

Recent years have witnessed a sharp rise in the number of men seeking treatments for hair loss. Hair transplant offers a safe and effective method to address hair loss in men and women. It is especially more effective for men who suffer from male pattern baldness due to the imbalances in the level of male sex hormones called androgens, especially testosterone.

Most men planning to choose hair transplants are concerned about the use of medications like Finasteride during the treatment. Finasteride is often included in the treatment plan for a hair transplant before and after the procedure.

This article addresses the common concerns linked to hair transplant such as is Finasteride necessary after a hair transplant and whether it is possible to have a hair transplant without Finasteride.

hair loss hair transplant second operation candidate

What is Finasteride?

Finasteride is the primary compound in Propecia, a medication used to prevent hair loss caused due to male pattern baldness.

Finasteride has been found to help preserve the results of hair transplants for longer. Male patients who undergo hair transplants are likely to continue losing their hair due to the hormonal imbalances linked to the production of testosterone in their bodies.

This is why; the higher secretion of testosterone, which is primarily responsible for hair fall in men, needs to be addressed even after a hair transplant in order to maintain the results.

Finasteride is commonly used to treat male pattern baldness, also referred to as androgenetic alopecia. Finasteride works by reducing the secretion of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a byproduct of testosterone. The decline in the secretion of DHT helps to restore hair regrowth and slows down further hair loss.

Hence, the use of Finasteride needs to be considered for stabilizing the rate of hair loss and maintaining the results after a hair transplant. Hair transplant without Finasteride may result in the recurrence of hair loss due to the action of testosterone thus reducing the long-term efficacy of the treatment.

a box of finasteride pills

Hair Transplant With and Without Finasteride

It is important for you to be aware of the benefits and risks linked to the use of Finasteride before undergoing a hair transplant.

The administration of Finasteride before and after a hair transplant has been found to improve hair growth and increase the hair density.

Taking Finasteride before and after the hair transplant can offer a good way to prevent hair loss in the future. It may also help to preserve the existing hair, and thus, reduce the need for another hair transplant in the future.

Studies have also revealed that the treatment with Finasteride could reduce the levels of DHT in the scalp by nearly 60%. This would help to stop hair loss and also support a significant increase in the growth of new hair.

These are some reasons why the use of Finasteride after hair transplant is commonly included in the treatment plan.

However, there are concerns about the long-term use of Finasteride in patients at a high risk of developing prostate cancer. Finasteride might significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, it may also elevate the malignant degree in men who have already developed prostate cancer.

This means the use of Finasteride may not be suitable for men who have prostate cancer or those who are at a higher risk of developing it. Hence, men who plan to use Finasteride before and after a hair transplant are advised to assess their prostate health through ultrasonography and a blood test that measures the level of prostatic specific antigen (PSA).

What about the Use of Finasteride before a Hair Transplant?

The use of Finasteride before hair transplant can help you derive better results with the procedure.

One study conducted to evaluate the benefits of Finasteride in maintaining hair density has revealed that the use of this drug before a hair transplant can improve hair growth even in non-transplanted areas.

Beginning the treatment with Finasteride before hair transplant is specifically recommended for men having insufficient or weak donor areas on the body from where hair can be used for transplant.

How Many Years can you Take Finasteride?

Studies have shown that the secretion of DHT can be reduced by nearly 68 to 75% with the topical application of Finasteride and about 62 to 72% with oral Finasteride tablets. A combination of oral and topical Finasteride has been found to provide better results for maintaining the density of hair in the long term.

Hence, men are usually advised to continue using Finasteride in the form of topical gel or oral tablets for several years after the procedure, provided they do to develop any serious side effects, especially those linked to the prostate gland.

Does Finasteride Stop Hair Loss Immediately?

The improvement in hair loss is usually noticed after a few weeks of starting the treatment with Finasteride.

Is it Okay to Stop Finasteride before a Hair Transplant?

Yes, it is okay to stop using Finasteride before a hair transplant. Your hair transplant surgeon may ask you to stop using this drug one or two months before the hair transplant. This can allow him to observe the natural progression of your hair loss.

You can restart using the medication once the bald and thinned areas are treated with transplanted hair.

Do You Have to Take Finasteride Forever?

Finasteride or Propecia can be used consistently to maintain the results of the hair transplant. This might mean that you would have to use this medication as long as you want to maintain your natural hair growth.

second hair translant for densification before after

Question: Can I Have a Hair Transplant Operation without Finasteride?

Yes. Finasteride is one of the most effective medications used for the treatment of male pattern baldness caused due to the increased testosterone production. It is basically a medical solution for men with hair loss to help them preserve their natural hair.

However, you can choose to undergo a hair transplant without Finasteride. The use of this drug should be based on your specific condition and preferences.

If you are not planning to use this drug after your hair transplant, you might have to deal with the possibility of losing your natural hair and require another hair transplant in the future.

Should I Use Propecia for Life?

The duration of use of Propecia can be made based on your specific condition, your risk of developing prostate cancer, and your preferences. That’s why we cannot provide a general answer to that question. Our team of experts can generate a personalized consultation according to your condition.

a box of propecia pills


The decision to undergo a hair transplant without Finasteride or with Finasteride can be taken based on factors such as its effect on your prostate health, your desire to maintain natural hair growth after transplant and avoid further hair loss, and your readiness for another hair transplant.

It is often necessary to take Finasteride forever throughout your life or until you want to prevent hair loss.

Do you have further questions? Reach us out via our form or Whatsapp Icon to get your answers from our team of consultants. A youthful look with higher confidence awaits one click!

Article Review By: Dr. Jyothi Shenoy V
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MBBS, MD – Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MRCOG(UK)
23 Years Experience Overall