do hair transplants work

If you’re experiencing hair loss, you may wonder do hair transplants work. The answer is a resounding yes! Hair transplants offer a revolutionary way to combat hair loss, providing seamless, natural-looking results that last for years to come. Curious to know how hair transplants work? Keep reading to discover the fascinating process behind this life-changing procedure.

How do hair transplants work?

How Does DHI Hair Transplant Work?

Hair transplants work to achieve a fuller, denser appearance that yields long-lasting results. But how do hair transplants work? Hair transplant methods rely on a simple mechanism: transplanting healthy hair follicles from a donor area to a recipient area. Depending on the procedure’s process, this mechanism may have slight alterations.

For instance, the DHI method is based on the individual extraction of hair follicles, much like other modern hair transplant techniques. In addition to the different methods, for the DHI method, a specialized pen-like tool called Choi Pen is used to implant hair follicles in the recipient area. Alterations like this are tailored to provide customized treatments for each individual. With these variations in hair transplant methods, the procedure works for each person with a healthy donor area.

Do hair transplants really work?

When performed by a qualified specialist and the right donor area chosen for the procedure, hair transplants really work.

To ensure the best outcome, it’s crucial to choose a qualified surgeon and follow a healthy aftercare regimen. This includes avoiding strenuous activity and excessive sun exposure, as well as following any instructions given by your surgeon. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your hair transplant is successful and that you achieve the best possible results.

Do all hair transplants work?

As with any procedures, hair transplants are efficient only applied with right methods and qualified individuals. Furthermore, each hair transplant method may not be the perfect fit for everyone. For instance when you need a hair transplant to achieve high coverage on wider areas, FUE is the one for you. Moreover, if you require higher density in a smaller area, DHI is the best choice for you.

It’s essential to weigh in these factors to choose the best hair transplant method for you to get the best results. So, don’t hesitate to contact to our medical consultants to learn more about the best hair transplant method to treat hair loss with a customized plan for you.

Do hair transplants work for women?

female hair transplant before and after result vantage hair

Hair transplants are not just limited to men; women can also opt for hair transplants. In fact, hair transplants for women have become increasingly popular in recent years. When performed by a qualified specialist, these procedures can provide seamless results with high coverage to combat hair thinning or baldness.

To achieve the best possible outcome, it is essential to select a qualified expert who can cater to your specific needs. This will ensure that you receive a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your needs.

Do hair transplants work on crown?

crown hair transplant in Turkey

The crown (vertex) area is the top part of the scalp where blood flow is relatively slower compared to the hairline due to its location. This slower blood flow can affect hair growth in the crown area and contribute to thinning. To treat thinning crowns, you may opt for a hair transplant as well. Hair transplant works on crown area as well as hairline. However, before choosing a surgeon, it’s essential to weigh in the structure of the crown area, specifies requirements to ensure a successful transplant.

Do hair transplants work receding hairlines?

receding hairline hair transplant 3500 grafts

The hairline refers to the line where the hair on your forehead meets the rest of your hair. A youthful appearance can be achieved by having a hairline in the right location, but as it recedes, it may give you an elderly appearance. Hair transplants can help with receding hairlines by lowering them with healthy donor areas. Whether hair transplants work for receding hairlines depends on the extent of hair loss and the availability of the donor area.

Do hair transplants work for alopecia?

hair transplant scar repair in turkey before after

Hair loss can be a challenging and stressful experience for many individuals. Luckily, hair transplants have been proven to be effective in treating various types of alopecia.

These can be listed as:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Traction Alopecia


While hair transplant offers successful results in treating these kinds of alopecia, remember that it depends on the severity of the condition. Furthermore, it is essential to note that for other types of alopecia, such as scarring alopecia, a hair transplant may not be the most suitable option due to the lack of viable donor tissues in scarred areas.

If you are struggling with hair loss, it is essential to identify the type of alopecia you are experiencing and explore the best treatment options available. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to us and take the first step towards regaining your confidence and feeling comfortable in your skin.


Do hair transplants work for androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia, commonly known as male/female pattern baldness, is the most common form of hair loss globally. As the name implies, the level of testosterone plays a crucial role in the severity of hair loss. Testosterone inhibits the hair follicles’ growth cycle, which leads to thinning and shedding.

For androgenetic alopecia, hair loss usually becomes visible with a receding hairline. As hair loss progresses, the hairline recedes and becomes a V, M, or U shape. Although it’s usually caused by genetics, external factors may increase the severity of this pattern of hair loss.

There are several different treatment options available to treat androgenetic alopecia, such as medications like Finasteride. However, the most efficient way to treat hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia is a hair transplant.

However, before getting a hair transplant to treat androgenetic alopecia, it’s essential to wait for hair loss to stop first. This ensures that further hair loss will not affect the transplanted hair. With proper care and maintenance, a hair transplant can provide natural-looking results and restore confidence in those dealing with hair loss.


Do hair transplants work for alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata is a condition that results in hair loss, typically caused by an autoimmune disease. This happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles, resulting in thinning hair. While hair transplant may not be the primary option for treating alopecia areata, it has been proven to yield successful results in some cases. [1] Therefore, a hair transplant can be considered a viable solution for individuals with alopecia areata, especially when other treatment options are insufficient, and a healthy donor area is available to support hair growth.

It is important to note that while hair transplantation can be an effective treatment for individuals with alopecia areata, its efficacy can vary significantly based on several factors. These can include the extent of hair loss, other medical conditions that the individual may have, and their unique response to treatment. As such, it is highly recommended that anyone considering a hair transplant for alopecia areata first seek the advice of a dermatologist.


Do hair transplants work for traction alopecia?

Traction alopecia is a condition that causes hair loss due to the application of high tension and pulling on the hair. This can be caused by certain hairstyles, such as hair weaving and tight ponytails, which disrupt the hair growth cycle and result in thinning hair. While the condition usually affects Afro-American descendants due to their curly coiled hair structures and choice of hairstyles, anyone can experience traction alopecia if their hair is subjected to high tension regularly.

If left untreated, traction alopecia can gradually worsen, causing more noticeable hair loss. Treatment options for traction alopecia are determined by a trichologist or a hair transplant specialist, who can recommend the best course of action. While there are various treatment options available, such as adopting different hairstyles or taking medication, they are not proven to treat hair loss and only offer short-term solutions. Hair transplants, on the other hand, provide permanent results for traction alopecia. [2] With a qualified specialist and a nurturing aftercare routine, a hair transplant works for traction alopecia.

Do hair transplants work for black people?

afro ethnic hair transplant before and after result

African American individuals have unique physiological features, such as skin pigments and hair follicle structures, that make them stand out. With hair follicles ranging from curly to coily, they need to follow a specialized routine to protect their curls from damage. Although their thick and voluminous hair may look fabulous and require low maintenance, it actually needs more care than Caucasian hair. Due to their brittle structure, curls may need to be moisturized regularly.

In addition, African American individuals may experience hair loss due to genetics, tight hairstyles, external factors, etc. However, there are several ways to treat hair loss, such as topical medications and over-the-counter remedies. But for those seeking permanent results, hair transplants may be the best option.

It’s important to consult with a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon who understands the unique considerations of black hair and skin to achieve natural-looking and satisfying results. So, feel free to consult with our medical consultants to learn more about getting hair transplants for African American individuals.

Do hair transplants work for curly hair?

Curly hair is known for its unique and diverse characteristics, with a range of curls that vary in density, size, and overall appearance. While it seems like straight hair is the easier option for hair transplants, curly hair can provide a more seamless and natural-looking result due to its voluminous structure. At Vantage Hair Clinic, our qualified specialists are experienced in providing the best possible outcome for patients seeking a curly hair transplant. With our expertise and attention to detail, you can achieve the best results.

Do hair transplants in Turkey work?

hair transplant in turkey before after result

Turkey has emerged as the leading destination for hair transplant procedures, with a large number of qualified specialists and advanced techniques. The country boasts of hundreds of hair transplant clinics manned by highly skilled medical professionals, making it an ideal location for individuals seeking to undergo this procedure. Most of these clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and adhere to international standards of quality and safety.

One of the critical advantages of choosing Turkey for a hair transplant is the country’s well-developed medical tourism industry. This makes it easy for people from all over the world to travel to Turkey for their procedure. Many clinics offer comprehensive packages that include accommodation, transportation, and post-operative care. Therefore, getting a hair transplant in Turkey not only provides excellent results but also offers a worthwhile and convenient experience.

How much does hair transplant cost in Turkey?

Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey vs Other Countries

Turkey is home to hair transplant procedures where quality meets with affordability. With its world-renowned clinics and affordable prices, Turkey is a top choice for anyone seeking to restore their hair. Not only is the cost of living low in Turkey, but the exchange rate is also in your favor.

What sets Turkey apart from other countries is that they evaluate the cost of a hair transplant based on the extent of hair loss rather than charging per graft. This makes the process much more convenient for patients, and the competitive atmosphere of the hair transplant facilities in Turkey may also drive down prices even further.

The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey varies depending on several factors, such as the procedure’s method and the surgeon’s expertise. On average, the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey may range between $2,200-$4,000. So, if you’re looking for quality hair transplant services at an affordable price, Turkey is the place to be!


Looking for a reliable and efficient hair transplant? Look no further than Vantage Hair Clinic! Our team of dedicated and qualified medical professionals provide tailored treatment for each patient to ensure the best possible results. Say goodbye to hair loss and take the first step towards a fuller head of hair by clicking the button below to contact our medical consultants today!

FAQs About Hair Transplants

Is hair transplant worth it?

Getting a hair transplant is a worthwhile experience with its permeability and seamless results. However, to enhance the worth of a hair transplant its essential to set realistic expectations and choose a qualified surgeon. Furthermore, getting a hair transplant is an experience to have to get hair loss out of your head!

Do hair transplants work long term?

Hair transplants are a popular and effective solution for hair loss. The procedure can achieve natural-looking results and provide a long-term solution. However, to ensure that your hair transplant lasts longer, there are certain things that you should keep in mind.

  1. Firstly, it is essential to choose a qualified and experienced surgeon. This will help you to get the best possible results from the procedure.
  2. Secondly, it is important to stop hair loss before undergoing the transplant. This can help to prevent further hair loss and ensure that the transplant lasts longer.
  3. Finally, adopting a healthier lifestyle after the transplant can help to enhance the results. Eating a well-balanced diet, getting regular exercise and avoiding smoking and alcohol can all contribute to better hair growth and overall health.

By combining these factors, you can expect successful and long-lasting results from your hair transplant.

Do hair transplants work permanently?

A hair transplant is a procedure that uses an individual’s own hair follicles, which can offer permanent results. Each hair follicle has its own growth cycle, which can take 3-7 years to complete to regrow. By repeating this hair growth cycle, hair transplant can provide permanent and long-lasting results.

However, it’s important to note that the success of hair transplants depends on the chosen donor area and the surgeon’s expertise.

Do hair transplants in Turkey work?

Getting a hair transplant in Turkey works as seamlessly and efficiently. By choosing a qualified expert, you can increase your chances of achieving the best results, with a success rate of up to 98%.


  1. Civaş, E., Aksoy, B., Aksoy, H. M., Eski, M., & Yücel, K. (2010). Hair transplantation for therapy-resistant alopecia areata of the eyebrows: Is it the right choice? Journal of Dermatology, 37(10), 920-923. Avalaible at :
  2. Özçelik D. Extensive traction alopecia attributable to ponytail hairstyle and its treatment with hair transplantation. Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2005;29(4):325–327. Available at: