Basketball Players With Hair Transplants – Before and After Photos

Just like high profile celebrities, regular people, and everyone in between, quite a few basketball stars have chosen to undergo a hair transplant. Not wanting to go bald both on and off the court is a human right for all basketball lovers, let alone the professionals. Basketball players with hair transplants is an example for all of us in this regard.

Follow along as we take a look into wise basketball stars who made a slam dunk decision to get a hair transplant done. Some of these famous players have been transparent about their hair transplants while others kept tight-lipped.

So, who are those legendary basketball players who scored big with a hair transplant? Let’s get it!

basketball players with hair transplants

Here are 11 Basketball Players With Hair Transplants Before – After Photos

Step inside the accomplished world of 11 basketball players with hair transplants as they reveal their inspiring transformations through Before and After photos. Basketball Players With Hair Transplants are always in sight with their renewed self-confidence. Who is not on this list?
LeBron James, the leading scorer in NBA history, winner of the NBA Most Improved Player Award Tracy McGrady and famous coach Tom Izzo, who was elected to the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame; and who else who.

LeBron James’ Hair Transplant

lebron james hair transplant before after

Turning 40 later this year, the NBA superstar has been open about his multiple hair transplant procedures to restore his receding hairline. He has an earlier history of FUT a.k.a. the strip surgery – as seen from the linear scar on the back of his head. LeBron also gave FUE a shot and his current hairline came to his rescue.

It wouldn’t be surprising if LeBron James decided to pursue yet another hair transplant procedure, as it seems that he is yet to meet the ideal surgeon. Potentially misled and misinformed, he could have achieved a superior, denser hairline in a single procedure if his previous FUE had been performed with better professionalism and artistry. For someone with a $1B+ net worth, it’s a bit scandalous.

Read more about LeBron James’ hair transplant

Tracy McGrady’s Hair Transplant

tracy mcgrady hair transplant

Can you believe that T-Mac turns 45 this year? Retired from actively playing since 2013, we’re glad to see he’s focusing on self-care and maintenance. In 2023, McGrady not only had a successful hair transplant in Turkey but he has also gone public about it.

His hairline recession was not in a good state and that combined with opening temples made him look much older and less fit. Although not really accessible for anyone to see due to his height, T-Mac also had a problematic crown section with serious diffusion. The surgeons mainly worked on recreating his hairline and added density to the crown area during the hair transplant. Overall results look much better than before and he’s most definitely refreshed.

Rick Pitino’s Hair Transplant

rick pitino hair transplant

The former Panathinaikos, Kentucky, and Boston Celtics coach is surrounded by rumors of a possible hair transplant. Obsessed with winning, Pitino’s hair is one of his trademarks with the way he styles and dyes it. Always dyed black and almost always slicked back, Pitino could not be Pitino without his hair. It’s almost like his charm and what backs up his ruthless coaching style.

Despite his Senior age, Pitino’s hair obsession also reflects the fact that he feels young in energy levels and spirit. Insider info says that Pitino had his first hair transplant about ten years ago during a visit to the UK.

Manu Ginobili’s Hair Transformation

manu ginobili hair transformation

The Argentine basketball monster was most definitely one of the key players of his time. Ginobili makes a great case study about hair loss because of how good he looked with hair back in the day. He took up on the buzz cut ever since his hairline took off but the shaved head really doesn’t suit him at all, probably due to his skinny face.

When he made a comment on his socials about Usher’s hairline (that he wants to wake up with Usher’s hairline on his 45th bday), it triggered rumors that he’s ready for a hair transplant. We’re of the same opinion, he’s sooo ready.

Carlos Boozer’s Hair Transformation

carlos boozer hair transformation

Carlos Boozer had an incident years ago when he appeared in a match with an unidentified object on his head. Someone convinced him that Bigen hair dye can conceal hair loss in black men and Booze gave it a go, only to end up looking like he smeared shoe polish on his head.

Wish it was a hair transplant but the trauma of that day’s look followed him around for so long that he never touched his hair ever again.

Tom Izzo’s Hair Transformation

tom izzo hair transformation

Known for his intense coaching style, the longtime Michigan State coach is almost 70 and something about his hairline is different in a good way. Some say it’s a forehead reduction but who does that in 2024 when a FUE hair transplant is in play? Whether Tom Izzo has undergone a hair transplant or not is still a mystery because no one has the courage to ask him the question.

Brian Scalabrine’s Hair Transplant

brian scalabrine hair transplant

The White Mamba once had plenty of ginger, wavy hair until aging hit him. Although retired from the courts, he still makes a living as a basketball commentator in a suit. His hair is therefore an important part of his image.

In 2016, Brian Scalabrine had a hair transplant in the US with the FUE method (Follicular Unit Extraction). That was a timely move because he’s still a broadcaster and may continue this career for another while. Scalabrine did not hide the hair transplant but neither did he turn it into a marketing campaign. He does advise through for people who are bothered by hair loss to know that they have options.

Daryl Edwards’ Hair Transplant

daryl edwards hair transplant

UTEP Miners point guard Daryl is now 38 years old and his hairline recession could not save his baby face. Ticking all the boxes as a Norwood stage 3 prior to the hair transplant, Daryl Edwards finally made the time to get a successful hair transplant in Turkey last year.

His new hairline looks very natural, far from being overdone giving him back the characteristics of his youth. He says he had a great time in Istanbul and would love to return for an extended cultural visit. Had Daryl waited a couple of more years, he was going to have a larger area to be covered with a limited donor supply.

Fabio Lima’s Hair Transplant

fabio lima hair transplant

Portuguese talent Fabio Lima is also among the wise athletes who did not give up on his hair. The Benfica player and the biggest talent in Portuguese basketball flew down to Istanbul to get a top-quality hair transplant done back in 2021.

He had severe diffusion all over along with a soft and fragile hair type. The procedure took 6 hours and he got 3550 grafts to recreate his hairline, bring back some density to the top of his head, and fill in his crown area. Fabio seems to have his dream come true with the hair transplant and still has long years to show it off.

Stefan Jankovic’s Hair Transplant

stefan jankovic hair transplant

From Hawaii Rainbow Warriors to Formosa, Jankovic played around the world as a sought after basketball talent. Lucky in height but unfortunate with his hereditary hair loss, Jankovic had a hair transplant in 2023 at age 29. Where did he have it? In Istanbul of course.

Prior to the hair transplant, Jankovic was suffering from a deep widow’s peak and also had an overall hairline recession. Those areas were filled in with donor hair from the back of his head and he’s no longer combing his frontal hair towards his forehead to cover up. Pro athletes sweat all the time and can not use hair fibers (which is temporary makeup anyway). No wonder football and basketball players made Istanbul their hair transplant destination.

Damion James’ Hair Transplant

damion james hair transplant

Playing for Puerto Rican Vaqueros in his last active years, Damion James’ hairline wasn’t in the best of shapes. He was somewhere between a Norwood 4 and 5 which at his age is pitiful. He was rescued with a 2500 graft FUE but given that a large area had to be covered, that’s not many grafts at all.

James chose a hair transplant clinic in Dallas, Texas (USA), and the procedure happened last year in 2023. His transplanted hair should have been fully grown by now but he never parts from his baseball cap, so it’s hard to tell if the hair transplant brought his youth back. Did something go wrong in Dallas? Who knows.

Check Out Other Celebrities With Hair Transplants

Author of Article:

Vantage hair restoration Istanbul Turkey
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